3 Ways Your GP Can Treat High Blood Pressure


If you have been informed that your blood pressure is elevated, don't worry—there are many ways this condition can be treated. Here are three ways your GP can treat high blood pressure. 1. Lifestyle changes Making some lifestyle changes is one of the first things your GP may recommend for high blood pressure. This can include eating healthier, exercising more and reducing stress. These changes can help lower your blood pressure and improve your overall health.

30 September 2022

5 Ways a GP Will Diagnose and Treat Anxiety and Depression


If you're experiencing symptoms of anxiety or depression, your GP is a great first port of call. They will be able to conduct an initial assessment and, if necessary, refer you for further treatment. Here are five ways your GP may diagnose and treat anxiety and depression. 1. Carrying out a physical examination Depressed or anxious feelings may be triggered by an underlying physical health condition. For example, an overactive thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism) can cause symptoms of anxiety.

12 September 2022