5 Ways a GP Will Diagnose and Treat Anxiety and Depression


If you're experiencing symptoms of anxiety or depression, your GP is a great first port of call. They will be able to conduct an initial assessment and, if necessary, refer you for further treatment. Here are five ways your GP may diagnose and treat anxiety and depression.

1. Carrying out a physical examination

Depressed or anxious feelings may be triggered by an underlying physical health condition. For example, an overactive thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism) can cause symptoms of anxiety. As such, your GP will perform a physical examination to look for any signs of a physical health condition that could be causing your symptoms. 

2. Assessing your symptoms

Your GP will ask you about your symptoms and how long you've been experiencing them. Your doctor will also take a family history of mental health conditions, as anxiety and depression can sometimes run in families. 

3. Carrying out psychological tests

If your GP thinks you may be experiencing anxiety or depression, they may refer you for psychological testing. This testing usually involves completing a questionnaire about your symptoms. The test results can help to confirm a diagnosis of anxiety or depression and rule out other conditions. 

4. Referral for talking therapies

Your GP may make a referral to a centre that offers talking therapies such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) if they think it could help you manage your symptoms. Talking therapies involve speaking to a qualified therapist about your thoughts, feelings and behaviour to identify any negative patterns that may be causing or worsening your anxiety or depression. 

5. Prescribing medication

In some cases, your GP may prescribe medication as part of the treatment for anxiety or depression. Antidepressants are a common type of medication prescribed, which can help to relieve the symptoms of both conditions. However, it's important to remember that drugs are not always effective and that side effects can sometimes occur. Therefore, discussing all the pros and cons with your GP before starting any medication for anxiety or depression is essential. In some cases, the GP may also prescribe anti-anxiety medication such as beta-blockers to help relieve the physical symptoms related to anxiety, such as a fast heart rate or sweating palms.

These are five ways a GP may diagnose and treat anxiety and depression. If you want to find out more, book an appointment with a doctor in your area. They will be happy to assess and treat you. 


12 September 2022

Improve the Quality of Your Health With Primary Care

Primary care is a critical component of a healthy lifestyle. It's important because it allows you to catch health issues before they get out of control. It also give you a chance to ask your healthcare provider questions about your health, your children's health and other concerns. Without this resource, public health suffers, but unfortunately, many people do not know how to make the most out of their primary care. In this blog, I am going to include advice on optimising your relationship with your primary care doctor, tips on using primary care to ensure your good health and more. If you like my posts, please share them with others, and thank you for reading.