How Can Your GP Support You To Lose Weight?


If you're overweight and have been struggling to lose weight, you have likely tried all sorts of weight loss programs and products, but have you considered talking to your GP? Patients often feel GPs are only there to treat chronic illnesses and don't want to waste their time, but being overweight increases your risk of developing a number of potentially life-threatening conditions, such as heart disease and stroke. For this reason, GPs welcome speaking to patients who want some support to get to a healthy weight, but just what type of support can your GP offer? Read on to learn about the ways your GP can help.

Establishing Goals

Establishing achievable weight loss goals can be overwhelming, so your GP can take your measurements, advise you on the healthy weight range for your height and help you to set goals that are realistic. Part of this process will involve asking you about your diet and exercise levels, and they may ask you to keep a food and exercise diary for a few weeks to allow them to see what your daily calorie balance is like.

Investigating Underlying Causes

Sometimes people struggle to lose weight because of an undiagnosed underlying health condition. Your GP can carry out blood and urine tests to screen for a range of conditions that can interfere with weight loss, such as diabetes and hypothyroidism and hormonal imbalances. Depression can also contribute to weight gain, so your GP may ask you about your mental health and suggest you complete a screening form that can indicate whether you may be suffering from depression without realising it.

Prescribing Medication

If you are very overweight and struggling to lose weight despite making lifestyle changes, your GP can prescribe medication to suppress your appetite or decrease the amount of dietary fat absorbed in your digestive tract. If your GP has identified that water retention is contributing to your struggles with weight loss, they can prescribe you a diuretic.

Tertiary Referrals

Your GP can also refer you to other healthcare services for specialised support depending on your specific needs. For example, they can refer you for counselling if you are struggling with low mood or finding it difficult to break unhelpful habits relating to food. They can also refer you to a dietician for support with creating tailored meal plans that promote healthy weight loss.

Being overweight can lead to you developing other serious health conditions. If you're struggling to lose weight, don't give up. Make an appointment with your GP to see how they can help.


27 September 2021

Improve the Quality of Your Health With Primary Care

Primary care is a critical component of a healthy lifestyle. It's important because it allows you to catch health issues before they get out of control. It also give you a chance to ask your healthcare provider questions about your health, your children's health and other concerns. Without this resource, public health suffers, but unfortunately, many people do not know how to make the most out of their primary care. In this blog, I am going to include advice on optimising your relationship with your primary care doctor, tips on using primary care to ensure your good health and more. If you like my posts, please share them with others, and thank you for reading.